Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Tutorial seven -linking blogs to sights of interest and exchanging

This week was around linking our blogs to websites that we found interesting and relate it to OT practice.
I chose:
Google, as one of mine as this is a useful tool to find out information about anything you like and it has been one of my main sources of enquiring into things.
Course Blog, my course blog that we are following is a useful tool to communicate with our tutors and peers, it has information that we can use on and for our own blog and entails a lot of detail into our material. it is also interesting to view another range of how a blog can be displayed, in relation to OT this is an insight into how people or other OT's can use information to relay back to clients or use as a therapy tool eg, client could use as a diary type thing to keep a record of things and activities that they encounter.
Second Life, this is a cool web-sight shown by our tutors, it gives you insight into what is like for clients who have disorders such as schizophrenia, Bi Polar. it takes you on a journey into a 3d world and you can do all sorts within this world like buying a house, shopping etc. great for the OT to gain an experience for what their clients may be experiencing themselves.
Mobility and Disability Centre, this is the web-sight for assistive devices as discussed in tutorial 8. It is a very valuable resource if you are working in an area that the clients would benefit from assistive devices, and for the OT this is an excellent web-sight to get tools from to help in therapy.

We also were to post a comment on our peers blogs to relate to a point of interest we had.. i have completed this on one of my peers blogs.

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